Five tips to create your own custom t-shirt brand

I have no graphic experience but I am a designer who would like to be able to print his own shirts.

To do this it is advisable to clear evaluate the pros and cons of such a path: how do you advise proceeding to “train me” and understand if it is more convenient to “start my own business” or to rely on a printing house? limits of the printing dimensions, in the costs and in the elasticity of the service. But I don’t know the costs and the times of management of the press in own. The numbers, to start, would surely be contained … but alone I could perhaps manage to better manage myself quantity of production …?I ask for help.

To start printing your own t-shirts independently, you need an investment of less than 500 euros. To check, simply go and see our mini-color examples and our kits to get started, with particular reference to the T-Shirt Plus Kit,

If the number of prints that we intend to produce is limited, we can proceed with relative lightness, without making too many accounts: the investment is known and the benefits also: all the production phases would thus be under our control.

If the number of prints is rather high, the necessary investment grows exponentially, and it is necessary to do one’s accounts well: either it definitely becomes a profession or in any case it is advisable to proceed by degrees.

In order to better clarify the ideas, I advise you to read a good manual to understand what all the stages of screen printing are, starting from the preparation of the matrix to the printing. You can find this in the Practical Screen Printing Manual, at of our site To learn even more, you can attend a one or two-day course, which we organize in collaboration with Serigrafica

The theoretical and practical course is taught by an expert screen printer and on that occasion you will be able to touch the advantages and problems of the screen printing process, also comparing yourself with other people who have the same needs.

I also invite you to freely attend our forum, where the most classic problems encountered by those who start printing are debated.